Friday, 2 August 2013

Madame Butterfly Visit

Today we were lucky to have Madame Butterfly visit us at school.  She spoke to the Year 3 and 4 students all about butterflies.  We learnt so much, it was really interesting!  Mrs Dane even dressed up as a butterfly and we learnt all the different parts of a butterfly.  Have a look at our padlet about what we learnt!


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun, Room 16! JL says he thinks that butterflies are poisonous to birds!

MY likes the picture where Mrs Dane is dressed as a butterfly!

Rainbows and Sunshine,
Room 5

Anonymous said...

Room 5 says that one day we would like to visit your class. We hope we can come and see you.

Rainbows and Sunshine,
Room 5

Anonymous said...
